Welcome to St. John Ambulance, Jharkhand

Home Nursing

Nursing is the art of caring for any person who is sick, so that she may derive the maximum benefit from the treatments ordered by the doctor. This care includes both the mental and physical welfare of the patient. Patients who are acutely ill will usually be admitted to hospital where they can receive the expert care of trained nurses, and where the equipment of modern science is available for their treatment. However, there will be many people who can be nursed at home, either because their illness is not such as to require hospital treatment or because they have been discharged from hospital to complete their convalescence in the quiet and comfort of their own homes, and it is these people whom you will particularly be able to help. It is the purpose of home nursing training, therefore, to try to help those who wish to learn the basic principles of nursing care so that they will be of the utmost use to the sick whether working in their own homes or as auxiliary staff in hospital wards.
